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My Reading List for May 2017

I am proud to announce that I’ve been reading again. My goal for 2017 is to finish 54 new books. Such a big goal knowing I just finished my book #1. Today I’ll be sharing my reading for list May 2017. You can click here for my last reading list post.

If you find any of your favorite books among the list please comment below.

Books I’ll Be Reading in May

Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver

I actually started reading this book on the later part of April and I’m almost done with it. I will be posting a review of this book soon. I read this book after a Netflix marathon with 13 Reasons Why and Riverdale. Just made me thankful I did not went to a school where bullying and drama exists. I had an amazing high school and I still count my former classmates as friends up to now. This book actually has a movie adaptation and yes, it involves time lapse which is cool by the way.

Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed

I am so excited to read this book. This has been part of my to buy list since last year. I got really curious about Wild seeing the recommendation and how it resembles 127 Hours meet Eat, Pray andLove. I love books that celebrate women’s triumph and so I know I’ll be enjoying this.

The Life Changing Art of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

WAAAAAH!!!!!!!! Another book on my wish list since last year! I am currently reading this as of this writing and have been enjoying all the lessons in the book. I even write down notes of things I need to remember and the tips and process Marie Kondo shares.

I am the worst when it comes to tidying up and reading this book made me realize the potential of finding happiness on a decluttered room. There’s so much lessons this book offers and I am excited to do apply the KonMari method as soon as I finish this book.

How about you? What's that one book in your reading list?

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