Today I present to you my Bullet Journal Set Up for August 2017.
Personally I treat August as a full-month of productivity sprint. This is the month where I get as close and as detailed to my next actions based on my Mid-Year Review last June. I also set my 18 Before 2018 which became an annual spread in my bullet journal since August last year. I always feel hyped when it comes to planning, organizing and tweaking my workflow during this month of the year.
I’d like to quickly share that I now know how to pronounce Leuchtturm 1917. Thanks to this video on the Boho Berry group. Leuchtturm by the way, is the notebook I currently use in doing the bullet journal system. Read: My 2017 Bullet Journal Supplies Philippines.
There’s three parts in this Leu is pronounced as Loy [think: Toy], ch is pronounced as shhht [think: Shhht but meaner] and tturm is pronounced as toorm [think: Tour with m at the end] Leuchtturm actually means lighthouse in German. So we can now pronounce it as Loyshhhtoorm.
Anyway, with that being said and done below are the details of my 2017 August Bullet Journal.
August 2017 Monthly Calendar
As much as I want to try other monthly calendar set ups, I fail to do so. I stick to the vertical layout where I can simply put what events are going to happen and a note of what I am grateful for. This is the simplest and the most functional bullet journal calendar I made since October 2016.
August 2017 Habit Tracker, Goals and Focus
Now I’ve mentioned time and time again how much I struggle in keeping my personal habits. The bullet journal habit tracker looks so good when it is all filled in but sadly, I fail every single month.
And so I decided to be realistic with what goals I will track. To do this I reflected first and foremost on my current habits and routines. I did a lot of writing on how my day went by on a day-to-day basis and how it should be ideally.
Then I did my 18 Before 2018 List followed by my goals and focused tasks for August. From then I devised a whole new set of habits and routines I will be tracking.
So below are the new set habits and routines I want to track on a daily basis:
Still doing the Self-Care Tracker in the same spread.
This week I read a powerful blog post that changed how I set goals. It is all about the 3-Month Goal and why it works. I love the article and have used the method to create my 18 Before 2018 list.
Each of my 18 before 2018 list is my Outcome Goals. I mainly answered the question “Before 2018 I will…”
Now the post set performance goals as something you should do for the next two weeks which I didn’t follow. Instead I considered performance goal as what I have to perform every month in order to achieve the specific outcome that I want.
And so the question I mainly answered is “Every month I will…
And so my August Goal was born.
Lastly, I created process goals that I can do every day or every week in order to accomplish my performance goal. As said on the post the Process Goals should answer who is going to do what, when and where. These should be a set of clear and focused items that can lead to momentum.
And so the question I mainly answered are…
“For every goal this month I need to do...this and the specific when and where.
That’s it. Again, a completed detailed post will be up once I’ve completed at least two weeks of doing this goal-setting method. I will give you all the juicy details as well as my progress.
July Goals and What Happened to Them
1. Follow this month’s 50-20-30 Budget Rule – FAILED. But if you want to know more about this rule of budgeting you can check my personal finance blog, SavingsPinay.
2. Start a morning routine – FAILED.
3. Replace too much social media at night with an evening routine – FAILED.
4. Read and finish four books, 1 per week – FAILED. I will be tweaking this as I’ve found a Google Drive full of e-books last month.
5. Get at least one week ahead of my blog posts – YES at least for my other blog. Still I have to do better in being a productive blogger.
6. Publish two (2) YouTube videos every week this month. YES. Below are the new videos I recently uploaded.
7. Accomplish at least two open projects in IzzaGevents, IzzaGlino, SavingsPinay and YouTube. FAILED. I know this should be more specific.
Personal to Do List
1. Use the 50-20-30 Budget Rule – Yes
2. Run every other day with my sister as part of morning routine – Failed
3. Grocery shopping for quick proper breakfast – FAILED
4. Discard books – FAILED
5. Open account on Shopee for my pre-loved shop. FAILED. After discarding my things I plan on selling them online. For better engagements I think I’ll just post it on my personal Instagram and this blog instead of Shopee or Carousell.
1. Earn my first $100 in Adsense – BIGGEST YES EVER!!!!!!! Finally my first $100 on Adsense is granted. I’ve posted details on my July 2017 Recap and Extra Income Report.
2. Wriete 10 High SEO Blogpost on SavingsPinay – FAILED. I only did six blog posts for the month of July BUT all of them rank high in Google whenever you search the keyword I used.
3. Write every other day on this blog. This is an obvious failed. Hopefully I can publish more posts this August.
4. Write a guest post 1 in personal finance and 1 in beauty and lifestyle. I’ve been meaning to write a guest post for a while now but I simply fail in creating. This will definitely be a recurring goal for me before 2017 ends.
5. Find or research affiliate business. Did I mention that I finally earned from an affiliate income this July? Yes! I earned $ .40 commission on Lazada for July. Thank you to those who click and buy through my affiliate links.
1. Publish service page - FAILED
2. Write and Publish five business blog posts – FAILED
3. Create first FB Ad - FAILED
4. Create OLX Ad for Business - FAILED
For Stats
Major Goals for August 2017
1. Attend Sunday service
2. Establish morning routine (prayer, affirmation and morning pages)
3. Establish Bible Study at bed time (Mark, John, Matthew and Luke)
4. Backup and Delete SavingsPinay blogspot
5. Publish new header pages on SavingsPinay
6. Create prompt photos for SavingsPinay Community on Facebook
7. Create and publish six new YouTube videos
8. Finalize Service Page on SavingsPinay
9. Draft/Outline 5-day Free Courses for SavingsPinay
10. Edit hosting video for Facebook AD
11. Create OLX Account for IzzaGevents
12. Write at least 1 blog article per week for IzzaGevents
13. Read 3 books [ 2 eBook, 1 physical book]
14. KonMari my books
August 2017 Time Tracker
For the complete instruction how I use the time tracker in my bullet journal you can visit my March set up.
Although this spread is too time-consuming to do I still find it as one of the best spreads I’ve created so far. I love to see how I use my time on a daily basis. I know I can still tweak my system to serve its purpose more. Currently I fill up the color whenever I plan a new day. Meaning I purposely log how I used my time for a particular day.
Kara of Boho Berry does this differently. She logged first how she wants to use her time on the said day instead. I might consider this approach on the next few days of August to see which is better.
August 2017 Weekly and Daily Pages
I am using the same awesome weekly and daily pages from last month and I love it. I bought some new pens so I can now color code my events. I am happy that after so many failed attempts of creating a functional weekly page, I finally created one.
That's it for my August 2017 Bullet Journal Set Up.
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