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How to Write Your First Blog Post

Currently I've written over 1000 blog posts in total. 

I still remember the first blog post I've ever written. Back then I was just blogging as a hobby. I will go home from work, open Blogger and start writing. Never really thinking it will turn out into a passion.

Blogging became one of the best things that ever happened to me and I have no regrets that four years ago I published my first blog post ever.

Let's begin!



Anatomy of a Perfect Blog Post

Great content makes a blog special. It provides substance to your space over the internet and just make sense of your role as a blogger. Many are fearful to start a blog because they don't know how to write a blog post. Any blog post has the following components:


Every post deserves an eye-catching title. This headline must summarize what the post is about and must be intriguing enough for people to click. 

There are ever-green titles that most blogger may have already shared to you. Ever-Green Titles includes How-To posts and you'll certainly find the said keywords on the title alone. 

A blog post title should go along 60-70 words or less. For a better search-engine optimization you must include your post's keyword on the title as well. 

For example, for this post you are reading my title as "How to Write Your First Blog Post" You can also find the words "write your first blog post" strategically placed around the whole content of this article. 

Nowadays you can easily find a downloadable/printable template of blog post titles that work well for every post which perfectly fits your content. 


Just like every other written piece, a blog post has to include an introduction. Most readers spend less than 15 seconds in a blog and your post introduction must make the right first impression if you want the reader to return to your site. 


We are all very visual human beings so a blog post image must also be included. I realized that my posts with image convert to more readers and engagement versus posts without picture at all. 

You can use online tools I have mentioned in My Blogging Tools and Essentials post to edit/add text on your image. A camera is also a must have for a blogger but if you have a phone that can take good quality image that will do. 


If you visit the archive of this blog post you'll know that I follow a particular format for posts under the same category. All my Product Reviews have the same headings like Product Introduction, Price, My Experience, etc. 

This goes the same with my Haul posts as well as Monthly Favorites. This is more obvious when you read my Life Lately posts. A blog post must follow a format that can slowly build your own writing style. Include headings for a well-organized post. Have an image ready once you feel like the text is becoming too long already. Numbers and Bullets will also give beauty to the anatomy of your perfect blog post.

Call-to-Action in the End

A Call-to-Action (CTA) gives an opportunity for your readers to stay longer on your blog. This can include links to more posts they should read on your blog or related posts to the topic you have just blogged.

Invite your readers to use the comment section or visit your social media sites. If they have questions, suggestions or any other reaction let them know where to contact you. You can also include special announcement towards the end for the readers to feel they really belong. 



How to Write Your First Blog Post

Now that you know the requirements of a perfect blog post you can easily write your first post already. Below are the steps you could do to write a blog post as smoothly as possible.

Step 1. Answer the "What". What do you want to blog about? The most common "first blog post" of a blogger will be an introduction of course but you can also blog about almost anything. Select a topic that you want to blog about and write it on your draft. 

Step 2. List down your post ideas. An outline can help you big time as you compose your first blog post. This will also serve as the format for your blog. List down what you want to include your blog post. Short and brief sentences will work here. 

Step 3. Fill in with supporting details. Now that you are done with an outline you can easily fill in each idea with supporting details. Remember to be yourself and use you voice as you write. Write like you are writing for someone. A conversation tone filled with "you" or "your" will be helpful. Let your personality shine through your first ever blog post. 

Step 4. Create Images. Your blog post image is as important as the quality of your content. This topic deserves another blog post soon. Just note that the image must be coordinated with what your blog is about. I personally use Canva, a free app that helps you design amazing photos for different purposes. 

Step 5. Review your first draft. Read it aloud and work on grammatical mistakes you can find like misspelled words or wrong tense of the verb. Depending on the blog platform you are doing you can now write the post and hit the Publish button. That's it. Your first ever blog post is now up on the web for everyone to read. 



Other Reminders

Here are helpful tips and reminders as you compose your first blog post:

  • Reading other blogs will help tremendously. 
  • Keep it short and simple. Though a longer blog post can lengthen reader's retention, you can play between 300-500 words for your first blog post. But aim for more word counts as you go along with your blog. At SavingsPinay, my posts is between 1500 - 3000 words each post.
  • Always have the best introduction for your post. Make your first blog post intriguing. 
  • If you want to highlight important points just select the word and "bold" it or "italicize" 
  • Share your post to others. You as a blogger must also market your content for public view. You can post a status on your social media or email to your sets of friends. 
Hope this post helps. For more blog-related posts click THIS LINK.

What is/are your tips when it comes to writing blog post?

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