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How to Minimize Procrastination Using Pomodoro Technique


Today I am sharing with you a simple tool I use to minimize procrastination - the Pomodoro Technique.

Procrastination has always been a struggle for me. It takes me time getting started on tasks, especially on the more important  ones. I have a number of excuses for not doing them on time - “I’m too tired” or “I can do it at a later time”.

Managing two blogs with a full time job is not easy so I am always looking for ways to make tasks easier, to get started and to take action now.

The Pomodoro Technique is one of the most useful tools I have used lately. Let’s begin.

What is the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management technique that was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.  It is a well-known technique in accomplishing any to-do list wherein you set an amount of time, commonly 25 minutes, of continuous deep work. 

How the Pomodoro Technique works

First, decide on the specific task you need to do. 

Next, set a timer for 25 minutes. You can use your phone’s clock functionality or a different app. I personally use the free version of Be Focused in doing my own Pomodoros.

For the next 25 minutes work on the task you have without distraction. Really focus on the task until your time’s up. 

Then, have a 5 minute break. The break can be used to get up, rehydrate or do something different like admin tasks. I personally use the 5 minute break to organize my computer files or to scroll on my Instagram and Facebook.

After four Pomodoros or four 25 minute no distraction work with 5 minutes break in between, you are allowed to take a longer break time of 15 to 30 minutes. 

Lastly, you can do another round of Pomodoros until you have finished the task completely or whenever you are done, you can move on to the next task.

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Why the Pomodoro Technique works

Using the Pomodoro Technique definitely increased my productivity to a whole new level. It works because it helps you get started on tasks. If you are someone who keeps on putting tasks to a someday-later file, this productivity method will help you to take action. It also pushes you to finish your task in a set period of time, making sure you are working with high level focus. Being focused on short bursts of time is easier and better in terms of getting things done. 

How I Use the Pomodoro Technique

I use the Pomodoro Technique mainly in tackling my blog tasks such as populating my content calendar, writing posts, editing and scheduling posts as well as creating social media posts. 

What’s good with the Pomodoro Technique is that it works like an on-off switch for me. When I set the alarm to 25 minutes it is as if I am telling myself that it’s time to get things done. Sometimes I will be in so much focus that I even skip the 5 minute breaks and do non-stop work.

I also use the Pomodoro Technique for housework such as organizing my vanity or bookshelf or cleaning my room. 

The Pomodoro Technique is also helpful in ticking off smaller tasks related to a bigger goal. For example, your goal is to start your own blog before the year ends. What you can do is to use the Pomodoro Technique and commit to working on your blog for four Pomodoros a day. Spending almost an hour a day of focused work is still way better than waiting for the right moment to get started. 

I also use the Pomodoro Technique in tackling my batch works. Instead of outlining content every single day, I spend an hour every Saturday to batch outline all posts. This saves me time on workdays for other tasks. Instead of editing blog thumbnails/images per post, I edit everything by batch too. I grab a timer and spend 25 minutes editing photos and creating blog thumbnails. The result is I get ahead of the photos I need for every post I publish.

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Tips to Make Pomodoro Technique work for you

Here are some of the helpful tips I have to personalise Pomodoro Technique for your needs.

  • Make a to do list the night before you plan to implement the Pomodoro Technique. You want to know exactly what you will be working on or what the end goal is. 

  • Make sure you are free of distraction. If you are easily distracted, implement apps that will force you to focus on the task. Turn off any notifications or better yet, put yourself on airplane mode.

  • You can keep track of how many Pomodoros you made in a day. This will give you an added sense of accomplishment after. You can also use a worksheet to know how many Pomodoros it takes for you to finish a specific task so you can plan your day better. 

  • If 25 minutes seems too short for you, try 45 minutes. You can work on a task for 45 minutes straight and take a break for 15 minutes instead. 

I’d like to end this post with a challenge for you. Choose a task you’ve been procrastinating for a long time  and use the Pomodoro Technique to tackle it. See if you’ve successfully minimized procrastination using the Pomodoro Technique.

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