It's time to recap what happened for the month of March 2021 with side stories here and there plus things to look forward to in the coming months.
For March I feel like I am finally out of the two consecutive slow and lazy months I had. I have some long standing tasks I finally crossed off.
March was quite eventful for me. I had a lot to share with you in this post.
Arrival of Baby Alaiah
What made March 2021 memorable is the fact that my niece has arrived.
I’m a new Tita! It’s a role I am super proud of. Excited na ko mag-spoil ulit ng pamangkin!
The cool thing is Baby Alaiah has the same birth date with my parents wedding anniversary. Another double celebration for the family!
I’m just sad that Baby Alaiah came now that we are in a pandemic. I can’t see her whenever I want to especially now with tighter restrictions.
I pray things get better so I can bond with my new pamangkin more.
Virtual Dates with Past Colleagues and Victory Group Members
I think the month of March for me is more of nurturing relationships. It’s definitely the area of my life that stood out the most last month. I got into virtual dates with my past colleagues a.k.a. My Coffee Monday Barkada. It was a quick catch up, a first since Christmas and New Year.
Also for the month of March I got to reconnect with my Victory Group Members a.k.a. My sisters in Christ. I love that we were able to finally meet virtually as a group.
Kuya and Lyron’s Double Birthday Celebration
March is a double birthday celebration for my Kuya and my nephew. Unlike last year when we celebrated their birthday online, we were able to rent a private pool to have a safer celebration as a family this year. It is also marked as a despedida for my parents and my youngest sister who will be living in our province for good. Grateful for the provision to do this in the midst of the current situation.
30 Days of Devo Challenge
For March I decided to take part in a 30 days devo challenge. It’s a personal challenge actually. I wanted to see if I can accomplish a 30 days straight of doing my bible study in the morning. I will be very honest to say that there were days when I missed having my quiet time especially when I work at site.
With the challenge I got to finish the first four books of the New Testament - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. I also got into Acts in no time. I did gain fresh insights of what happened at the cross, how much obedience matters in this journey to Christlikeness, and so much more. It’s really different when you can spend the first hour or two of your day filled with the Word of God.
I finished the 30 days of devo last March 30 and I decided to take on a different 30 day challenge for the month of April. I’m so excited to continue this flow.
Of course, I won’t stop doing my Bible Study in the morning. It’s only that I won’t share it on my IG stories anymore. I do have a story highlighting about 30 days of devo on my Instagram that you can reference.
More Exercise, Journaling, and Reading
And because my devo is in place for the month of March I feel like it kind of set the tone for the rest of my personal development activities.
I was able to journal every single day as well. I finished a book - All the Money in the World and is on my way to completing another, Looking for Alaska. I’m actually two books behind schedule for my 2021 reading challenge but I am trying my best to catch up.
Lastly, I did a total of 16 workouts for the month of March with an average of 16 minutes and 58 seconds per workout.
March 2021 Favorites
Beauty - I don’t have any beauty favorites for the month of March. I’ve been following the same skincare routine as I have since February 2021.
Related Read: 2020 Best of Skincare and Makeup
Movie or Show - For March 2021, I spent a lot of time watching Netflix movies and documentaries. I watched I Care a Lot, the newest movie of Rosamund Pike whom I fell in love with on Gone Girl. I also finished all the Ocean’s film series - Ocean’s Eleven, Twelve, and Thirteen. I also watched another Olympus Has Fallen and London Has Fallen. So you kinda see the theme of the films I’ve been watching for the month of March.
Lastly, I watched two documentaries on Netflix - The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel and Operation Varsity Blues: The College Admissions.
Song - Since I’ve been doing 30 days of devo challenge the songs on my repeat for the month of March are my Quiet Time Playlist. If you want some good songs to play before, during, or after your devo time then I highly recommend this playlist.
Looking Forward Next Month
I will still spend the first two weeks of April working from home but there might be an extension which I’m leaning to.
April will be busy for me in terms of personal work. I’ve been meaning to do most of my blogging tasks at least two weeks advance. The main goal is to make sure that before I get back to work at the site, I actually have my whole month of April calendar done and scheduled.
In terms of life, happening in April will be my parents’ and my youngest sister’s flight to Samar. There’s still a chance this will be postponed since there’s a news that the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) will be extended. I do hope their flight won’t get cancelled because my parents have been looking forward to their stay in the province since the pandemic began.
My prayer is April to be another productive month. What would make the month a success if I’m able to do all my blog tasks in advance.
That’s it for March 2021.
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