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Gone Girl Book Review

Title: Gone Girl
Author: Gillian Flynn
Purchased At: FREE as a Christmas Gift. WATCH My 2015 What I Got for Christimas Video.
Number of Pages: 553

The Book Was About...

Gone Girl is a story about a couple Amy and Nick. They were considered to be a match made in heaven. But things got a little off after their married life. Nice loses his job and moves back together with Amy on his small hometown. He opens a bar with the help of Amy's trust fund and runs the business with his twin Margo. On the day of their 5th Wedding Anniversary, Amy disappeared. All evidence and situation points out to her husband, Nick. But did he really kill Amy?


Amy Elliot Dunne- Amy is a perfectionist who always enjoy being on the limelight. She grew up in a wealthy family having been the inspiration for a famous children book Amazing Amy. Thus, Amy in real life struggles a lot between her true self and herself in front of other people. This became a big problem from the time she married Nick.

Nick Dunne- Nick is the husband of Amy whom she met briefly in a house party. She grew up with a twin sister Margo and had always worked almost in his entire life. However, due to economic problem he got laid-off as a journalist in New York, forced to move (and take care of his mother) at a small town and suffer the hardships of being the man who can provide. Little did Nick knew that this was the start of a twist onto his tragic life.

Rhonda Boney- Rhonda is the female detective who actively participated in Nick's investigation. Her initial conclusion was that Nick is the killer especially when all evidence points out to Nick.

Jim Gilpin- Jim is the male detective who come alongside Rhonda for Nick's investigation. He had always believed that Nick is the killer.

Margo Dunne - Margo is the twin sister of Nick. She had been the conscience of Nick throughout the story. She sacrificed a lot for during the investigation process.

Tanner Bolt - Tanner is the well-known detective who helped Nick during the investigation.

Andie Hardy - Andie is Nick's mistress. She was the woman whom Nick cheated on Amy. 

Desi Collings - Desi is a wealthy, fine young man obsessed with Amy. He helped Amy in her disappearance with the thought that she was the victim. Soon she was murdered by Amy.

My Review:

This book is AMMMMAAAAZZZING!!!!!! I read the book before the movie and wow I love the book more than the movie though I believe the film did a perfect casting for Amy, Nick and Margo. Anyhow, Gone Girl is the book I have always wanted to read ever since the movie adaptation came out so when I got it last Christmas I read it immediately. READ: Books I'll Be Reading This January 2016.

What made me fall in love with this book is that I see myself so much with Amy's character. There are bits and pieces in book that makes me want to raise my hand and say "Yes, I'm Amy" But I am no sociopath so no worries and I am surrounded by amazing persons in life who stays patient and understanding. Some pages that make me an Amy are Page 39 and Page 299.

The novel is highly interesting from the storyline to the way it was presented. Gillian Flynn's execution of lines and the how she did a narrative style between Amy and Nick was brilliant. Flynn is also not afraid to add highlighting techniques like bullets and/or numbering. And the ending is seriously insane. How could Flynn end the story like that, anyway? I felt betrayed by both Nick and Amy.

The twists and turns of the Gone Girl book will make you raise in your seat as reading it. I remember reading a chapter and as I close it to start my working hours I was literally stunned. You need time to process everything and really get over the story for awhile. Gone Girl is a story of marriage, of inner struggles, of betrayals, of lust and of lies. It will give you chills all through out your reading journey. 

Rating: 5/5 Stars

5/5 - Beautifully written, exceptional reading experience and highly recommended
4/5 - Well written, fun reading experience but not my favorite
3/5 - Okay writing, okay reading experience
2/5 - What did I just read reaction - confusing - boring
1/5 - Worst book ever

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