It's time to recap what happened
for the month of September with side stories here and there plus things to look
forward to in the coming month.
September 2018 was a blast. I had
a lot of things on my plate for the month and I can’t thank God for the
unlimited grace He had provided in the midst of the busy schedules. For
September I attended a Discipleship Class called Purple Book at Victory Makati
which took most of my evenings. I also spent an overnight staycation Shell
Residences to support my eldest sister at Run Rio 2018. Lastly, I met Pia of Visit Manila PH and
again after almost a year.
Purple Book Class 2018
Last month I mentioned that one of the things I’m
looking forward for the month of September is attending (and finishing) the
Purple Book Class. Purple Book is one of the many discipleship classes
available in Victory Makati. It promotes biblical foundation, strengthening
one’s knowledge on different important topics in the Bible.
My experience joining Purple Book
Class was a blast. I enjoyed every meeting. I didn’t know it would function
just like a normal class where we would elect officers, take exams, memorize
verses and more. We even had a
graduation ceremony at our last day of class.
I learned a lot during the
classes and most were new to me.
- What happened during The Fall (Genesis 3) and its significance.
- The sovereignty of God providing us with free will.
- The cost of following Christ which is absolute surrender.
- The importance of devotion.
- How asking questions could change the way you study the Bible.
- We live to be extra generous. Genuine generosity means us trusting God will provide.
- The the gospel must not stop with me, I am called to share the gospel to others.
- And many more.
It was totally life changing.
Run Rio Trilogy 2018
Last September 23 to 24, I spent
a weekend together with my sisters in Shell Residences MOA. We were there in
support to our eldest sister who joined the 21K event of Run Rio Trilogy 2018.
I’ve supported a friend in the
same sporting event before - Aquathlon (read here) so it wasn’t a new experience for me
anymore. But, witnessing how happy my eldest sister was somehow different. I
could just see the glow on her eyes. I felt so happy for her achievement.
Running 21 kms for only 2 hours
was insane.
Super proud of my sister and
can’t wait to witness that again in November as I support her on another
marathon :)
Here are more photos I personally
took during the event:
I feel so inspired to start my
own fitness journey as well. Thank you Ate.
Meeting Pia again
If you are a long time reader of
the blog you may remember Pia. right? I met her first during the CaramoanIsland Hopping Experience I had in 2016.
We share a lot of common things with each other such as both Christian
and attendees of Victory Church, we both love to bullet journal and we both are
The last time we saw each other
was January 2017 and even I can’t
believe it took us a year and a half to finally meet again. And guess what our
meet up was not planned at all!
During the last Wednesday service
in Victory Makati I received a message from P saying she was in the service
also. I was so surprised. We met at the registration area during the Tithes and
Offering part and hugged each other
right away.
weren’t able to chat that much since the service was in progress and she had to
go early to meet with her cousin. But, we promised to spend quality time again
pretty soon.
Things I’m Looking Forward for October 2018
Company Sports Fest
It is the annual First Metro
Sports Fest once again! I had a great time last year so I’m definitely excited
as to what will happen this year. Aside from the company sports fest I don’t actually have any planned event for the
coming month. There is also no occasion whatsoever for October in the family so
I’m guessing it will be just a normal month for me.
That’s it for the highlights of
my September 2018. Hope you enjoyed reading this post.
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