Today I’m sharing with you my June 2020 Bullet Journal Set Up.
If you want to see how I set up my bullet journal for 2020, click here.
Since 2018, I’ve kept my bullet journal set minimalist. I started keeping my bujo as functional as possible, keeping only the basics layout. Which in turn leveled up my productivity. Hooray!
I thought for 2020, I will start publishing my monthly bullet journal layout again. You can follow me on Instagram to see more of my bujo set ups.
June 2020 Monthly Calendar
For the monthly page this June 2020 I went back to the simple layout I did last March. I have all the days of the month in the center and separated it in two sections - Personal and Work.
In Personal, I mainly write deadlines I’ve set for myself, any important dates such as birthdays or holidays and other reminders that I have to be present.
For Work, I simply write any events, meetings or appointments that already have a specific date.
I ditched the Reading Tracker I did last month and opted to just record it on the Daily and Weekly Page instead. Aside from how long I spent reading, I also want to track the number of pages I finish in a day.
June 2020 Habit Tracker
I am still using the same layout from last month for my Habit Tracker. I also maintained the number of habits I track from last month. At the bottom I have a tracker for my level of productivity and number of hours of sleep I do including the naps during lunch time.
June 2020 Time Tracker
As time consuming it is to set up this page, I still find the Time Tracker to be an effective layout which gives me information as to where I’m spending my time. This is like the Expense Tracker when it comes to finances.
Here are the things I’ve been tracking - Sleep, Blog/Biz, Work, Read and Bible Time. My goal in putting this back is to make sure I log where my actual time is going.
June 2020 Content Tracker
As I mentioned in my latest monthly recap, I’ve been blogging pretty consistently for the month of May. This comes as a surprise since I never really blogged that much here since 2017 when I landed a different busier day job.
Last month finally I got to double-digits when it comes to the number of posts. Yay! I am hoping I can continue this consistency for the rest of the year.
This June 2020 Content Tracker is pretty self-explanatory. I do have the blog content on the left side and social media content on the right side. I know I said over the past two months that I’ve been using this layout that I dislike how messy this page can be. But, it has been very helpful so far so I keep on using it.
June 2020 Goals, Tasks and Projects
I have a lot planned for the month June 2020 just because it’s already half of 2020. I know there’s much I wanted to accomplish now that I have this privilege to work from home. I do balance multiple platforms with my day job and needed a page where I can see all things that I’ve set for the month.
June 2020 Weekly and Daily Pages
And of course last for my layout is the Weekly and Daily Pages. I really enjoy the simple overview of the week and a free flowing daily page on the other side. This has been the most amazing weekly layout I’ve used ever since I started doing bullet journal.
That’s it for my bullet journal set up this month of June 2020.
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